Bird of the Day - Ruby-throated Hummingbird!

Click below to learn some cool facts about Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, presented by 9-year old Lizzie from Bethlehem!

 Lizzie even included some slo-mo of hummers at her house so you can see their wing action!

You can listen to more Ruby-throated Hummingbird vocalizations here:

Here are a few native flowers that are great for attracting Ruby-throats

Bee balm (mid-summer bloomer)

Trumpet honeysuckle (big spring bloom and some repeats throughout the summer)

Eastern columbine (spring bloomer)


  1. Great job, Lizzie! Very informative!

  2. Great job Lizzie. Awesome reading and writing. You have a future in public speaking -- maybe even on TV. You're also a super researcher. There were lots of facts in your presentation. Our favorite bird is the American Goldfinch. Check it out. We have them here and we had them when we lived in Nebraska.


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