Embrace Your Space! Bird Count and Contest

Announcing our very first "Embrace Your Space" Bird Count & Contest! With many of us staying closer to home, now is the perfect time to explore all that your home space has to offer - whether it's a small yard, a big yard, or an apartment window or balcony! How many birds can you spot at home in one 24-hour period? • The contest runs from Friday September 25th to Sunday 27th. You can pick any 24-hour period to count in. • Any bird you can see or hear with your feet in your space counts! It does not need to land in your yard. Keep your eyes and ears on the sky, trees and shrubs, your neighbor’s fence, telephone poles and electrical wires, etc., as well as bird feeders. Win a great prize if you're tops in your space category! Space categories are (1) balcony/apartment; (2) postage stamp (typical twin or townhouse); (3) small urban or semi-urban (< 1/4 acre); standard suburban (1/4 - 1/2 acre); and room to roam (> 1/2 acre). Great prizes inc...